Smaller books that are elegant pieces of art.

Publisher/Graphic Designer/Production Coordinator Admittedly, I have an odd background for a publisher/graphic designer: I have a BS in Biochemistry and an MS in Earth Systems Science. (I’m either a weather girl or a rocket scientist, it depends on my mood.)

Co-Publisher/Writer/Curator I have been writing, under nearly all the radar, for what feels a very long time. For the record, I have a master of arts degree from the University of Northern Iowa, having studied literature and creative writing. My

What’s ope?
“Right now, I think we need writers who know the difference between the production of a market commodity and the practice of an art. Developing written material to suit sales strategies in order to maximize corporate profit and advertising revenue
You can now purchase our zines on Etsy!
Nurture Local Art! Grow Local Culture!
Recent Works
Our zines can be found at Pearl Street Books (La Crosse), Driftless Books and Music (Viroqua), Dans Shoe Repair (downtown La Crosse), Chapter 2 Books (Winona, MN). And of course Etsy! (link above)